It's been a while, I suppose, or at lest it's been long enough to make me think maybe I should check in with a digest (if you'll pardon the pun) of recently consumed comestibles and potables.
I am not normally a regular vodka drinker, but this affordable British Vodka from Pure Star is pretty decent, nicer certainly than Smirnoff, and reasonable in price at under £20. What I have done recently is to come up with a little cocktail of my own. Start with a few ice cubes in a rocks glass. Pour in one part Pure Star Vodka... |
..and one part of this Five Valleys Lemon & Mint Cordial, then top off with tonic water. Nice. This cordial is also useful in cooking - the other day I made an apple pie. I put some demerara sugar in a pan on a low heat, and slowly let it melt and caramelise. Then I added the apples and some mixed spice, and a glug of this cordial and let it simmer a few mins before transferring to the pie dish. I think it worked nicely and gave an otherwise boring pie an interesting twist. |
A limited edition cider from Magner's - Spiced Apple and Rhubarb. Nice tart twist ad suitably spicy enough to be a Halloween brew par excellence. |
Speaking of All Hallows Eve, this dark mild with a citrus note is truly wonderful. Available in Marston's Inns. |
Rekorderlig is a Swedish cider company - who knew? There are two main varieties. A pear one, and this little beauty - a strawberry/lime concoction.
KFC's latest attempt at making a new sandwich is basically a Fillet Tower burger with a zingy sauce and a giant tortilla chip inserted near the top, so nothing really new, but pretty good all the same. |
See the chip? Under the lettuce? |
A friend of ours recently went to Turkey and brought us back some Turkish Delight. |
Generously swathed in coconut. |
The problem I have with Turkish Delight is that there are two types of it - there's the soft gelatinous type that usually comes dusted with icing sugar and tastes of rosewater or lemon. This is the kind I like. The other kind is more chewy and nougat-like and contains nuts and other things, like the kind you see above. I'll eat it, but it's not as good as the gelatinous rosy kind. |
The other week my Sis and I went to purchase some locally grown fruit and veg for an activity we were going to do at Harvest Festival about Food Miles. We went to Gibbet Oak Farm, a local farm shop. It's kind of weird going to Gibbet Oak for Sis and I because when we were little our grandparents lived and worked there so we spent some considerable time at the farm. Now when we go there, it not only looks a lot smaller than we remember but it's a little bittersweet. The farm shop is housed in what used to be the shed where the apples were graded and packed.
Cox's Orange Pippins, to give them their full name. |
Bramleys, I think. |
Kentish Mayde pies have been mentioned before on these pages, and they are terrific. |
Locally grown chillies. |
These two apples were sitting over by the till and were easily as big as my fists. |
The final purchases - apples and plums from Tenterden, mixed salad from Appledore and runner beans from West Malling. |
We placed them on a table next to apples from South Africa, runner beans from Kenya and plums from Spain, then asked people to guess where these items were grown. We didn't use the salad - it had gotten a bit soggy by that point. |
Kooshti Sante!